Plants For Central Oak Woodland

Poa scabrella Pine bluegrass - grid24_12
Poa scabrella Pine bluegrass

Pine bluegrass clumps are 2 ft. tall and 6 inches across. This very fine grass is dark green and ranges from the coast of Ca. to Wash.. Pine bluegrass, One sided Blue Grass, Needle grass grows in... Learn more.

Polypodium hesperium Western Polypody - grid24_12
Polypodium hesperium Western Polypody

A small creeping perennial fern that grows throughout much of the west to B.C. and Mexico. Western Polypody is usually found in rocky crevices that are seasonally(winter) wet drying in summer to no mo... Learn more.

Populus fremontii, Western Cottonwood along hwy 58 - grid24_12
Populus fremontii Western Cottonwood

A deciduous tree. Plant and stand back, very fast with regular water, on one site 30' in a year. We grow male trees, females have cotton. An excellent shade tree. Keep away from septic system. Do not ... Learn more.

Ripe fruit on the Hollyleaf  Cherry, Prunus ilicifolia - grid24_12
Prunus ilicifolia Holly-Leafed Cherry

Hollyleaf Cherry, Prunus ilicifolia is an evergreen shrub to tree, average 14 ft. high and  has clusters of white flowers in spikes in March that cover the entire plant, and in the fall is very sh... Learn more.

Prunus virginiana demissa, Western Chokecherry flowers - grid24_12
Prunus virginiana var. demissa Western Chokecherry

Prunus virginiana demissa, Western Chokecherry forms a small tree or large shrub. Western Chokecherry does great at higher elevations in California, but grows in small numbers on north slopes everywh... Learn more.

Psoralea orbicularis, Giant Clover has big flowers. - grid24_12
Psoralea orbicularis Giant Clover

Synonym: Hoita orbicularis. Picture a patch of clover, but the foliage is huge, each 3 leaf cluster is 2-3 inches across. The patch forms a 1 foot high mat that can commonly be 10 ft across. Useful i... Learn more.

Ptelea crenulata, Western Hop tree with Lorquin's BAdmiral Butterfly - grid24_12
Ptelea crenulata Western Hop tree

A small deciduous tree that grows in the lower elevations of northern California and one spot in Orange County. "This shrub because of its glossy green foliage and light green fruits which turn brown ... Learn more.

Pteridium aquilinum pubescens, Brake - grid24_12
Pteridium aquilinum var. pubescens Brake

A creeping fern of mountainous hillsides. Bracken ranges throughout most of the west from northslopes in Baja to Alaska and N. Dakota. Although the old timers ate the new shoots, it is not recommended... Learn more.

Quercus berberidifolia, the California Scrub Oak used to be part of Quercus dumosa. - grid24_12
Quercus berberidifolia Scrub Oak

(Q.dumosa )A this 'species' has caused a very difficult problem for us. We have grown Quercus dumosa for years. It is as described here. About 1990 a less than clever person decided that there was a ... Learn more.

Quercus douglasii, Blue oak tree - grid24_12
Quercus douglasii Blue Oak

A deciduous oak tree, usually growing to 30 feet, although this oak can sometimes can go to 50 ft. Blue oak has blue-green leaves and light-colored bark.. A California native from Los Angeles to Sacr... Learn more.

Quercus durata, Leather Oak leaves have their tips rolled under. - grid24_12
Quercus durata Leather Oak

Leather Oak, Quercus durata, is an evergreen oak that averages 8'. It is useful for hot, dry, rocky areas where you need a little tree or bushy oak. It grows on serpentine soils but. It is native to t... Learn more.

Quercus wislizenii Interior Live Oak leaves can be entire or have some spines. This tree is native to the higher elevations of the coast ranges and much of the Sierras. - grid24_12
Quercus wislizenii Interior Live Oak

An evergreen tree that can reach 50' (Your grandkids might see it.), and as broad. It has glossy, dark-green leaves. Native to lower and middle elevations of the coast ranges, Sierra Nevada of Calif. ... Learn more.

California buttercup - grid24_12
Ranunculus californicus California Buttercup

California Buttercup, Ranunculus californicus is a cheery yellow perennial that grows in amongst Blue Oak woodland. In between Oaks it is often growing in clay soil although it can also be found in se... Learn more.

Coffeeberries on coffeeberry - grid24_12
Rhamnus californica Coffeeberry

Coffeeberry is an evergreen shrub that grows fast to 6-8, sometimes as high as 10 ft.. Coffeeberry is native from the Oregon Coast ranges through most of California into Arizona and Baja. Coffeeberry... Learn more.

Rhamnus californica cuspidata California coffee berry - grid24_12
Rhamnus californica var. cuspidata California coffee berry

Rhamnus californica cuspidata form of Coffeberry from the Sierras and inner Coast Ranges of S. California. The only significant difference from this form and the regular species is dentate(small teet... Learn more.

Rhamnus crocea ilicifolia Hollyleaf Redberry - grid24_12
Rhamnus crocea var. ilicifolia Hollyleaf Redberry

Hollyleaf Redberry is an evergreen shrub to 3-9' that is native to dry slopes in the coast ranges and Sierra Nevada foothills. Hollyleaf Redberry likes partshade of oaks and has low water requirements... Learn more.

Rhus trilobata, Squaw Bush Sumac with the fall color of red. - grid24_12
Rhus trilobata Fragrant Sumac

Rhus trilobata (aromatica), Fragrant Sumac is a very tidy looking deer proof shrub. It has a very attractive arching habit and some of the most beautiful fall color in warmer drier climates. Rhus tril... Learn more.

Ribes amarum, Bitter Gooseberry, with purple fruits, is found in chaparral areas of California.  - grid24_12
Ribes amarum Bitter Gooseberry

A sprawling, stickery, twiggy deciduous shrub with a sticky bitter fruit. Native from mid-California to San Diego(higher elevations). If you're a collector or have a mountain cabin this plant could be... Learn more.

Ribes californicum Hillside Gooseberry - grid24_12
Ribes californicum Hillside Gooseberry

Ribes californicum, Hillside Gooseberry is a deciduous shrub with white-purple flowers in Feb.-Mar.. Hillside Gooseberry is native to the coast ranges. The Southern  California form is Ribes cali... Learn more.

Ribes divaricatum, Spreading Gooseberry, here produces delicate magenta (sepals) and white (petals) flowers, in small clusters along the stem.  - grid24_12
Ribes divaricatum Spreading Gooseberry

Deciduous shrub to 5'. The thorniest of the gooseberries. A stream side bush or moist coastal understory plant. Spreading Gooseberry can be used as a bramble in the shade for the wildlife or to make a... Learn more.

A close up of  Ribes malvaceum - grid24_12
Ribes malvaceum Pink Chaparral currant

Ribes malvaceum, Pink Chaparral Currant, is a five foot deciduous shrub with pink flower clusters in Oct.-Mar.. Native to slopes in the coast ranges. Pink Chaparral Currant likes sun in coast and cool... Learn more.

Ribes quercetorum. Oak Gooseberry, Yellow Gooseberry - grid24_12
Ribes quercetorum Yellow Gooseberry

A sprawling 3' deciduous shrub. Its flowers are yellow in Mar.-May. Native to foothill slopes in south coast ranges and Sierra Nevada. It likes sun to part shade, partly dry to moderate water. This is... Learn more.

Ribes sanguineum glutinosum, Pink-Flowered Currant flowers - grid24_12
Ribes sanguineum var. glutinosum Pink-Flowered Currant

Pink Flowering currant is a five foot deciduous shrub with long showy pink flower clusters that cover the plant in January to March. Ribes sanguineum glutinosum is native to canyons and north slop... Learn more.

Rosa californica California wild rose - grid24_12
Rosa californica California wild rose

California Rose is a deciduous shrub with 1-2" pink flowers that is the wild rose of much of California.  This wild rose has fragrant 3/4" red smooth fragrant hips. The hips are of good quality for te... Learn more.

Rosa gymnocarpa Wood Rose - grid24_12
Rosa gymnocarpa Wood Rose

Wood Rose is a delicate sub-shrub that arches up to 3'. Normally 2'. A bristly slender shrub with fairly large fragrant pink flowers. This looks like a little formal perennial in cultivation. In the ... Learn more.

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