Plants For Coastal Prairie

Achillea millefolium var. arenicola, Yarrow - grid24_12
Achillea millefolium var. arenicola

A perennial that grows right next to the ocean, on bluffs or the coastal sand spits. The consistent variable seems to be the sea Salt spray keeps the plants a low 1 inch tall. The flowers rise 2 inch... Learn more.

Achillea millefolium californica Yarrow with Hair Streak - grid24_12
Achillea millefolium var. californica Yarrow

Western Yarrow is a small perennial that spreads by rhizomes. It varies by locale from 1-4'. The cream-colored (off-white?) flowers are in 3- 4"clusters. It's native to the western U.S. and is drought... Learn more.

Achillea millefolium rosea Island Pink Pink Yarrow  - grid24_12
Achillea millefolium var. rosea 'Island Pink' Pink California Yarrow

(Achillea borealis ssp. californica (Munz)) Island Pink. Yarrow is a perennial that spreads by rhizomes. It varies by locale from one to four feet. Some plants of each population will have 3- 4"clu... Learn more.

Arctostaphylos hooveri, Hoovers manzanita grows into a medium sized bush. - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos hooveri 'Hoovers Manzanita'

Hoovers Manzanita is an evergray 10' X `6' bush with red stems that has proved intractable in our climate and soil. This species has an interesting leaf appearance, because of the long, silvery, hair... Learn more.

Armeria maritima, California Thrift, growing on the bluffs of the seacoast of California.  - grid24_12
Armeria maritima var. californica Thrift

6" mound with 1" pink pom-poms 1' high. Will take almost any climate with regular water. Best in part shade inland, full sun along coast. Not drought tolerant or tough except on coastal bluffs. Excell... Learn more.

Artemisia dracunculus, Tarragon plants - grid24_12
Artemisia dracunculus Tarragon

(Syn. Artemisia dracunculoides, Artemisia glauca) Tarragon (probably not the variety called French Tarragon, the culinary herb) is a very unattractive weed of disturbed places. Worldwide, maybe native... Learn more.

Baccharis pilularis consanguinea, Coyote Brush flowers with a Western Pygmy Blue and an American Snout Butterfly. - grid24_12
Baccharis pilularis var. consanguinea Coyote Brush

Baccharis pilularis consanguinea, Coyote Brush, is usually deer proof throughout California.  (You might want to cover it for the first year.) It's drought tolerant, very useful for hedges or fence li... Learn more.

Brodiaea pulchella, or Dichelostemma capitatum,  Wild Hyacinth, flowers in very early spring, and so provides nectar for pollinators, when not much else is flowering.  - grid24_12
Brodiaea pulchella Wild Hyacinth

Corms, 1' in height, blue 1" flowers, spring, throughout Ca.,UT, Nev,Ariz.,tolerates most conditions with good drainage, little water after established. Butterfly plant. One of the earlier wildflowers... Learn more.

Carex serratodens Bifid Sedge

Bifid referring to the top of the fruit covering which is cleft into two parts, , somewhat tufted perennial to 5 ft. hgt., mostly in the coast ranges of CA, more uncommon in the Sierra Nevada, lvs, fl... Learn more.

Carex subbracteata

Native to moist spots to seasonally wet areas, Small-bracted Sedge, perennial to 5 ft. hgt., grassland, brushland, woodland, sea level to 5000 ft., somewhat common, CA coast ranges, lvs flat, frequen... Learn more.

Ceanothus Yankee Point as flat groundcover with blue flowers. - grid24_12
Ceanothus griseus var. horizontalis 'Yankee Point' Carmel Mountain Lilac

Ceanothus Yankee Point' is an evergreen shrub that commonly grows two or three feet tall and ten feet wide. A mounding mass of glossy green with blue flowers in Mar-May. Does best near coast, but g... Learn more.

Clarkia amoena (Farewell to Spring or Godetia; syn. Godetia amoena) - grid24_12
Clarkia amoena Farewell-to-spring

Clarkia amoena, or Farewell-to-spring, is an annual that grows to two feet high, with 1" to 2" pink flowers in late spring. This delicate annual grows well in sandy or clay soil and also tolerates sa... Learn more.

dudleya caespitosa flowers - grid24_12
Dudleya caespitosa Coast Dudleya

Coast Dudleya is commonly found on coastal bluffs from North Los Angeles county up into the Monterey area. It survives full coastal bluff conditions and hangs out with Oeanothera hookeri, Eriophyllum ... Learn more.

Erigeron glaucus, Cape Sebastian works well as a small ground cover or in a pot or container.  - grid24_12
Erigeron glaucus 'Cape Sebastian' Seaside Daisy

Erigeron glaucus 'Cape Sebastian' beautiful perennial for small gardens, borders, or butterfly gardens. Well liked by many types of butterflies that are native along the coast. Part-shade or afternoo... Learn more.

Erigeron glaucus Authur Menzies has bigger flowers but much fewer flowers than Wayne Roderick and was not as easy for customers. - grid24_12
Erigeron glaucus var. Authur Menzies Authur Menzies

The flower is large and showy on this, but that is the problem with it. The flower, we normally only see one flower per plant, per year. If you have a conventional garden this plant is acceptable, oth... Learn more.

Erigeron Wayne Roderick Daisy planted as a small groundcover or border. With a little water has worked well everywhere in California we've tried it. - grid24_12
Erigeron glaucus x 'Wayne Roderick Daisy' Wayne Roderick

Erigeron x 'Wayne Roderick' is lower, darker green with smaller leaves than the species, and is believed to be of hybrid origin, with one of the parents being Erigeron glaucus. This one is impressive... Learn more.

Cliff buckwheat can be showy and hold it's flowers for months. - grid24_12
Eriogonum parvifolium SeaCliff Buckwheat

Buckwheats are very important butterfly plants and one of the pillars of their communities. Cliff buckwheat is the host plant for many species of butterfly including the rare El Segundo Blue, Euphil... Learn more.

Eriophyllum staechadifolium var. artemisiaefolium, Yellow Yarrow, here flowering in a coastal area of central California.  - grid24_12
Eriophyllum staechadifolium var. artemisiaefolium Yellow Yarrow

Seaside Woolly Sunflower grows near the coast. This Eriophyllum species is a flat to mounding, 2 ft. high perennial with gray foliage that is covered with yellow when it flowers. Commonly found growin... Learn more.

California Poppies are many colors, these are hot orange - grid24_12
Eschscholzia californica California Poppy

Munz lists four flavors of California Poppy that have largely geographic separations. We finally gave up and are lumping most here as the trade doesn't seem to separate them. It seems a California ... Learn more.

Eschscholzia californica maritima, California Poppy with it's cheery center that's a bee bull's eye - grid24_12
Eschscholzia californica var. maritima Coastal California Poppy

Munz lists four tendencies that have largely geographic separations. A perennial form with gray roughish leaves and prostrate stems. Surf to Monterey.Foliage is diminutive, flowers are normal to large... Learn more.

Iris douglasiana, Douglas Iris. - grid24_12
Iris douglasiana Douglas Iris

Douglas Iris, Iris douglasiana is a knee high perennial with rhizomes that spread slowly into a 2 to 4 ft wide clump. The flowers arise on a 1 to 2 ft high stem, are cream to light purple and three ... Learn more.

Iris longipetala patterns of blue - grid24_12
Iris longipetala Long Petaled Iris

Iris longipetala, Long Petaled Iris is a 2 ft. perennial, non-rhizomorphic. Long Petaled Iris has large 4-6 inch, blue flowers, and grows in clay soils around S.F. bay. This one has done well here wit... Learn more.

Iris douglasiana,  Douglas Iris, dark purple form - grid24_12
Iris douglasiana 'BB' Deep Blue Douglas Iris

Bert's Blue Iris douglasiana came out of customers property in Pebble Beach. In coastal environments it will grow to six inches tall on coastal bluffs with salt spray. Out the wind and with a little w... Learn more.

Menzies' goldenbush, Haplopappus venetus  var. sedoides  - grid24_12
Isocoma menziesii var. sedoides Menzies' goldenbush

Menzies' goldenbush grows along coastal bluffs from Ragged Point to Point Mugu and on the Channel Islands. A very usual plant if you have a garden within a bock of the ocean. A great butterfly plant... Learn more.

In this very old photo, circa 1980, Lasthenia glabrata, Goldfields, is here living up to its name, in the shadscale scrub of the Carrizo Plains, San Luis Obispo county, California. - grid24_12
Lasthenia glabrata Goldfields

A small little early spring annual that is a pioneer species in many bad habitats. In the San Joaquin Valley it makes mass displays of bright yellow in areas that are still intact. It will grow in any... Learn more.

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