Plants For Mixed-evergreen Forest

 Festuca californica, California Fescue.  - grid24_12
Festuca californica California Fescue

California Fescue grows in greenish gray tufts very much like a cross between Deer Grass and needle Grass. If you are into grasses it makes a good planting. Deer grass in the drainage, California Fesc... Learn more.

Wood Strawberry, Fragaria californica, tastes pretty good. Can be used in a container or as a small groundcover. - grid24_12
Fragaria californica Wood Strawberry

Wood Strawberry is a perennial, with white flowers, edible red fruits, and spreads by horizontal above ground stems (stolons). Fragaria californica, (F. vesca), Wood Strawberry makes a  good ground co... Learn more.

Garrya elliptica 'James Roof' - Coast Silk Tassel, the male flowers, catkins, can be a foot long - grid24_12
Garrya elliptica var. James Roof Silk Tassel

Garrya elliptica,  'James Roof' is a form of Silk Tassel that forms an evergreen shrub to small tree with yellowish male catkins 10 inches long in early spring. The catkins  turn gray as they age. T... Learn more.

Garrya fremontii Bear brush

Fremont Silktassel grows in much of California from the Southern California mountains, through the Sierra and up along the north coast. Although it can live in coastal valleys, you can also find it up... Learn more.

Gaultheria shallon, Salal, loves shady, moist areas of the redwood forest of California, but will also grow in part shade.   - grid24_12
Gaultheria shallon Salal

A 1-4' high sub-shrub that grows along the coast from to B.C.. It grows in the pine barrens through the redwoods. In its range it is a lovely easy groundcover. (It will stay low as long as it ca... Learn more.

Gilia capitata, Globe Gilia, is adored by butterflies in the spring.  - grid24_12
Gilia capitata Globe Gilia

A rather robust annual with 1-2" clusters of blue flowers in spring that are used by many butterflies. It is native in many places in our area in rocky screes with too much sun. The meager grass on th... Learn more.

Heleocharis macrostachya Common Spike Rush - grid24_12
Heleocharis macrostachya Common Spike Rush

A 1 foot high rhizomatous dark green plant. It looks like a miniature rush, or a funny-looking lawn grass. It needs regular moisture. It grows throughout the west and much of the world along streams, ... Learn more.

Heleocharis palustris, Spikerush, is here shown in its natural habitat.  - grid24_12
Heleocharis palustris

A one foot high rhizomatous dark green plant. It looks like a miniature rush, or a funny-looking lawn grass. It needs regular moisture. It grows throughout the west and much of the world along stream... Learn more.

Christmas berry or Toyon with berries is what Hollywood was named after. Toyon will grow in most of Los Angeles with no water after first year. - grid24_12
Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon

Toyon, or as it's sometimes called, Christmas Berry, is an evergreen shrub to small tree that usually grows to 6-8 ft. high and 4-5 ft. wide. Toyon can go to 15-20' tall if it's old and happy and be... Learn more.

heuchera micrantha is a cutie - grid24_12
Heuchera micrantha Alum Root

This Alum Root is a 1' perennial with a 2'spike of very dainty white flowers, a hundred or so spikes at a time on a happy plant. Foliage in clumps 1-2 feet across with 4" reddish-green leaves. A littl... Learn more.

Holodiscus discolor, Cream Bush, is here photographed in our Santa Margarita garden.  - grid24_12
Holodiscus discolor Cream Bush

Holodiscus discolor commonly known as Ocean Spray, Cream Bush, California Spiraea, Meadow Sweet. Holodiscus discolor is a deciduous shrub that normally grows to 4-5 feet but can grow to 7feet. The 5 i... Learn more.

Iris douglasiana, Douglas Iris. - grid24_12
Iris douglasiana Douglas Iris

Douglas Iris, Iris douglasiana is a knee high perennial with rhizomes that spread slowly into a 2 to 4 ft wide clump. The flowers arise on a 1 to 2 ft high stem, are cream to light purple and three ... Learn more.

Iris fernaldii, Fernald's Iris, has muted creamy  flowers decorated with darker lines, which makes it a standout in the shade in the mixed evergreen forest.  - grid24_12
Iris fernaldii Fernalds Iris

Fernald's Iris spreads by underground rhizomes. It is a one-three feet tall Iris with 2-3 inch yellow flowers. Fernald's Iris is found from Santa Cruz to Santa Rosa in full sun near the coast, and ... Learn more.

Iris longipetala patterns of blue - grid24_12
Iris longipetala Long Petaled Iris

Iris longipetala, Long Petaled Iris is a 2 ft. perennial, non-rhizomorphic. Long Petaled Iris has large 4-6 inch, blue flowers, and grows in clay soils around S.F. bay. This one has done well here wit... Learn more.

Iris macrosiphon, Ground Iris, whose flowers range from cream to purple, grows in the northern part of California.  - grid24_12
Iris macrosiphon Ground Iris

Bowl-Tubed Iris has a weak rhizome and 1-2 ft. greenish-gray leaves, yellow to purple flowers. Native to north central California and likes full sun to part shade with regular water. This iris does ... Learn more.

Juncus occidentalis, Western Rush with flower head - grid24_12
Juncus occidentalis Western Rush

Western rush occurs in spots throughout the west. Never in covering hillsides, always in a nook or cranny that is seasonally wet in winter and dry in summer. This is a very nice looking plant that sho... Learn more.

Red beardtongue is designed for hummingbirds - grid24_12
Keckiella corymbosa Redwood Penstemon

Red Penstemon is a trailing perennial that grows in the mountains of central and northern California. You'll find it in serpentine soils, or the redwood belt or volcanic soils.Dark green foliage and d... Learn more.

Lewisia cotyledon, Siskiyou Lewsia, here flowering in its native plant community, with scree soil. - grid24_12
Lewisia cotyledon Siskiyou Lewsia

Perennial, flowers rose-pink, 2" across, June, narrow, red-green leaves form basal rosette in early spring, leaves die back in June, British Colombia to San Bernardino Mtns. to Rocky Mtns., not alkali... Learn more.

Lewisia rediviva - grid24_12
Lewisia rediviva Bitter Root

Perennial, flowers rose-pink, 2" across, June, narrow, red-green leaves form basal rosette in early spring, leaves die back in June, British Colombia to San Bernardino Mtns. to Rocky Mtns., not alkali... Learn more.

Here in the Yellow Pine Forest, Libocedrus decurrens, Incense Cedar, grows in swales and moister spots, and looks like a traditional Christmas tree. - grid24_12
Libocedrus decurrens Incense Cedar

Incense Cedar is an evergreen tree fairly slow to 150', in your or my lifetime we might see a 30' tree. Native from Ore. to Baja. It's serpentine tolerant, heat and drought tolerant. It will tolerate ... Learn more.

Lilium kelleyanum, Kelly's Lilly flowers - grid24_12
Lilium kelleyanum Kelly's Lilly

Lilium kelleyanum is a wonderful lily from the Sierra Nevada mountains. Native along streams and moist areas in part-shade. In their habitat they are 4-6 tall, out of their habitat they make a delicat... Learn more.

Lilium pardalinum, Panther Lily, is called that because of its spots, seen here on the recurved tepals. - grid24_12
Lilium pardalinum Panther lily

Lilium pardalinum is similar to Lilium Humboldtii but a species that is next to streams. (The British call it a panther lily, California calls it Leopard Lilly) It needs a little more water and is a... Learn more.

Here a clump of Lilium pardalinum var.  giganteum "Sunset" are flowering in the Santa Margarita nursery. - grid24_12
Lilium pardalinum var. giganteum Sunset

As pardalinum but bigger flowers. The British have cultivar names 'Red Giant' and 'Sunset' This one tolerates sun and heat better than the straight species and is half of the height. This is listed b... Learn more.

Lithocarpus densiflorus, Tanbark Oak, was so named, as the bark was utilized to tan or cure cow hides for use in leather products.  - grid24_12
Lithocarpus densiflorus Tanbark Oak

An evergreen tree slow to 80'. (We have some that are 5 years old and 8' tall.) The leaves are green on upper surface, fuzzy on lower surface. Native from Ventura Co. to southern Oregon. A very beauti... Learn more.

Here reposes Lithophragma heterophylla, Woodland Star, in a very old camcorder photo, circa 1992, in the Santa Margarita garden. - grid24_12
Lithophragma heterophylla

Perennial herb, small, 12" white flowers, plant seems to disappear in summer heat, for woodland garden, north slope, full shade, a plant for mossy areas. It was native on our site but was lost after t... Learn more.

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