Plants For Mixed-evergreen Forest

The blue flowers of Ceanothus thyrsiflorus repens a wonderful on a north slope or on the edges of a shady glen. - grid24_12
Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. repens Low Blue Blossom

Ceanothus thyrsiflorus repens, Low blue blossom, is a prostrate Ceanothus with lots of attractive sky blue flowers that is found north of Monterey county in the northern coastal plant commun... Learn more.

Ceanothus velutinus var. laevigatus Varnish Leaf Ceanothus

A large shrub 12' , this shrub is native to N. Ca. to B.C.,plant in full sun , white flowers, shiny leaves, fast growth. It has proven to be hardy here to about 10 deg.. Learn more.

Ceanothus velutinus in the Eastern Sierras - grid24_12
Ceanothus velutinus var. velutinus Snowbrush

Ceanothus velutinus velutinus is similar to C. velutinus var. laevigatus but is much more hardy. It was burnt this year at June Lake at -20 degrees F.(?). It only reaches a height of 4' in its range. ... Learn more.

Buttonwillow with a Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly - grid24_12
Cephalanthus occidentalis var. californica Buttonwillow

Buttonwillow can occur as a 3 foot bush to 20 foot tree (Kern Canyon). It's deciduous, likes sun, water, and tolerates alkaline soil. The leaves are 3-6", and smooth, dark- green. The 1-2" creamy whi... Learn more.

A Pale Swallowtail butterfly sipping nectar from the red flowers of Cirsium occidentale var. venustum, Red Thistle. - grid24_12
Cirsium occidentale var. venustum Red Thistle

Venus Thistle is a rather large, tomentose, ( covered with short, soft, matted, white hairs) biennial (sometimes annual) thistle with 1-2" bright red flowers. Very showy. Can grow to six feet tall.... Learn more.

Clarkia bottae, Botta's clarkia, Punch Bowl Godetia - grid24_12
Clarkia bottae Farewell-to-spring

Clarkia bottae is an annual much like Clarkia amoena but with slightly larger flowers. Clarkia bottae tolerates full sun, seaside conditions, alkaline soil, salt, and clay. This farewell-to-spring spe... Learn more.

Chaparral Clematis in the California chaparral - grid24_12
Clematis lasiantha Pipestem Clematis

Pipestem Clematis is a deciduous, dioecious vine, that grows to 8-20' and has showy, creamy white flowers from March-August. Chaparral clematis is native in the coast ranges and Sierra Nevada mounta... Learn more.

Virgin's Bower
Clematis ligusticifolia - grid24_12
Clematis ligusticifolia Western White Clematis

Clematis ligusticifolia is very similar to Clematis lasiantha. This Clematis grows in our area with Populus fremontii, Rosa californica, and Platanus racemosa, etc. This species is found in the rip... Learn more.

This is a closeup photo of the whorled flowers of Collinsia heterophylla, Chinese Houses. - grid24_12
Collinsia heterophylla Chinese Houses

An annual that grows on north slopes, under trees, etc. in shady places. We commonly see it with Clarkia unguiculata in this area. It has a 1' spike of pale purple to pink flowers. Very showy. Learn more.

Cornus californica, California dogwood in the spring.  - grid24_12
Cornus californica California Dogwood

A little redstem dogwood that gives great fall color in most of California, Bigger leaves on a smaller plant. Part shade and regular water. If you want to get a headache, seek out McMinn's Illustr... Learn more.

California Sister Butterfly, Adelpha bredowii californica on Cornus glabrata - grid24_12
Cornus glabrata Brown Twig Dogwood

A deciduous shrub that grows to 4' in bad conditions and 10' in moist shade. It has brown stems, green/brown/red leaves, creamy white flower clusters. It is always next to or in a stream. It grows dow... Learn more.

Pacific Dogwood, Cornus nuttallii  in San francisco - grid24_12
Cornus nuttallii Mountain dogwood

Mountain dogwood, Cornus nuttallii, is the showiest and most tree like dogwood along the west coast. It grows into nicely structured a tree up to 30 ft tall. Mountain dogwood has large snow white flow... Learn more.

Close up of the fruit of Crataegus douglasii  - grid24_12
Crataegus douglasii Western Thorn Apple

The Douglas Hawthorn is a delightful small tree from western creek banks and north slopes. The fruit is relished by birds, the foliage admired by the people. Ours has had flame orange foliage in fall... Learn more.

A 50 year old picture Cupressus sargentii Sargent Cypress - grid24_12
Cupressus sargentii Sargent Cypress

In the wild Sargent Cypress is a small gray evergreen tree, with gray bark. In most gardens Sargent Cypress will grow real fast to 10 feet, then slowly (1'/year) to 50'. C. sargentii is easy to hold t... Learn more.

This is a very old photo of the flowers of Delphinium nudicaule, Canyon Delphinium, from the Sierra Nevada mountains, California, around 1985. - grid24_12
Delphinium nudicaule Canyon delphinium

A smaller form of Delphinium cardinale that grows in the mixed evergreen forest, chaparral and yellow pine forest openings. Usually you'll find it along stream banks, north slopes, east slopes or near... Learn more.

Deschampsia elongata Slender hairgrass - grid24_12
Deschampsia elongata Slender hairgrass

This clumping perennial grass is so soft, and pretty, with really thin soft stems and leaves. Slender Hair Grass disappears in summer (drops to a faint brown patch); is a light grass that blows in the... Learn more.

The sticky monkey flower - grid24_12
Diplacus aurantiacus Sticky Monkey Flower

Diplacus aurantiacus, Sticky Monkey flower is the coastal form of Mimulus aurantiacus, a perennial with 1" orange flowers that likes partial shade if planted in the interior sun if it is along the c... Learn more.

The Sierra form of sticky monkey flower - grid24_12
Diplacus aurantiacus 'Sierra' Sierra Monkey Flower

A monkey flower from the mid elevations of the central and northern Sierra Nevada mountains. Diplacus (Mimulus) aurantiacus is a little nicer looking than the common coastal form, flowers are the sam... Learn more.

Clevelandii Monkey flower grows on Southern California mountain tops. - grid24_12
Diplacus clevelandii Clevelands monkey flower

A monkey flower that looks like a Penstemon. This one is very soft, with a soft yellow flower. You can try it in an English garden type landscape. Clevelands monkey is like the bridge between Diplacus... Learn more.

Dodecatheon hendersonii buds - grid24_12
Dodecatheon hendersonii Broad leafed shooting star

Broad-leafed shooting star is a nifty little early-spring perennial of the cool shady woods of central California and up into British Columbia, only growing in the mountains of southern California. I... Learn more.

Dryopteris arguta Wood Fern - grid24_12
Dryopteris arguta Wood Fern

A woodland fern that is native from S. Cal to Washington. Wood Fern normally grows on north slopes and/or shady creeks. I've seen it as an understory plant to Quercus chrysolepsis, Quercus agrifolia... Learn more.

Epilobium angustifolium, Fireweed, emerges thickly after forest fires, at higher elevations in California. - grid24_12
Epilobium angustifolium Fireweed

Fireweed is a 2-3' perennial covered with 1" pink flowers. The name Fireweed originated as it's a pioneer plant, one that is one of the first plants emerging after a fire Excellent to enhance a woodl... Learn more.

Epipactis gigantea, Stream Orchid. I think this was at Big Bear - grid24_12
Epipactis gigantea Stream Orchid

Giant Helleborine or Stream Orchid, Epipactis gigantea,  is a perennial orchid that grows in wet or moist places. Stream Orchid will go dormant at the first sign of drought. Grows all over the West ... Learn more.

Equisetum hymale Scouring rush - grid24_12
Equisetum hymale Scouring rush

This Horsetail is wide ranging throughout the world with a very complicated species complex. (Equisetum hiemale, Hippochaete hiemale var. californica) Learn more.

 Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon californicum) with white flowers - grid24_12
Eriodictyon californicum Yerba Santa

A five ft. perennial shrub. Native Americans and early settlers used it for a cure-all. Now used for soil stabilization; will sucker along roots and tie-up a bank area. It's very drought tolerant. A p... Learn more.

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