Plants For Coastal Sage Scrub

Abronia latifolia, Yellow Sand Verbena, surviving in blowing, drifting sand of the coastal dunes of central California.  - grid24_12
Abronia latifolia Yellow Sand Verbena

A flat to mounding nearly non-frost tolerant perennial that will 'disappear' to the roots under stress. According to Parsons "The stout root . . . is sometimes eaten by the Indians." The flowers are ... Learn more.

Abronia maritima, Sand verbena, growing in beach sand, on a foggy summer day in Morro Bay, California.  - grid24_12
Abronia maritima Sand verbena

A flat nearly non-frost tolerant perennial that will \'disappear\' to the roots under stress. The flowers are pink and it grows in the sand along the immediate coast.. The soil must be fairly lose an... Learn more.

An old photo of Abronia villosa var. aurita, Sand Verbena, from the south coast of California. - grid24_12
Abronia villosa var. aurita Sand Verbena

Abronia villosa var. aurita has larger flowers than Abronia villosa var. villosa. It is found on the coastal side of the southern California mountains in chaparral and coastal sage scrub plant communi... Learn more.

This Box Elder has nice flowers, clean foliage and a rapid growth into a small tree. - grid24_12
Acer negundo var. californicum 'Bert's Toy Box' Bert's Toy Box Elder

This is a male California Box Elder. (So no seeds). A small flowering tree that is tidy, rather nice looking, not huge, somewhat tolerant of water or drought, and actually very useful. We found this a... Learn more.

Achillea millefolium californica Yarrow with Hair Streak - grid24_12
Achillea millefolium var. californica Yarrow

Western Yarrow is a small perennial that spreads by rhizomes. It varies by locale from 1-4'. The cream-colored (off-white?) flowers are in 3- 4"clusters. It's native to the western U.S. and is drought... Learn more.

Achillea millefolium rosea Island Pink Pink Yarrow  - grid24_12
Achillea millefolium var. rosea 'Island Pink' Pink California Yarrow

(Achillea borealis ssp. californica (Munz)) Island Pink. Yarrow is a perennial that spreads by rhizomes. It varies by locale from one to four feet. Some plants of each population will have 3- 4"clu... Learn more.

Woolly Blue curls and Adenostoma fasciculatum (Chamise or Greasewood) in flower. - grid24_12
Adenostoma fasciculatum Chamise

Chamise tends to be a medium to large shrub, 3-10 ft., tall. Native to the coast ranges (Mendocino and Lake County south to Baja) and Sierra Nevada mountains (From about Tehama County, south). a very ... Learn more.

Adenostoma fasciculatum 'Black Diamond'

'Black Diamond' Chamise is a nice little dark green shrub with white flowers. Learn more.

Adenostoma fasciculatum Prostrate Chamise - grid24_12
Adenostoma fasciculatum 'Prostrate Chamise' Prostrate Chamise

A dwarf Chamise that stays smaller than the regular variety and creeps along the ground. In the wild it occurs with Pinus remorata,  Comarostaphylis diversifolia planifolia, Arctostaphylos insula... Learn more.

Red Shanks flowers - grid24_12
Adenostoma sparsifolium Red Shanks

Red shanks grows from the San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County line south in chaparral, down through the L.A. basin in coastal sage scrub and up on the edge of the pine forests in many areas like Mo... Learn more.

Buckeye trees are used as a nectar source for many native butterflies. Spring Azure/ Echo blue uses Aesculus californica as a larval food source.  Native plant equals native insect or bird. - grid24_12
Aesculus californica California Buckeye

California Buckeye is a deciduous, small tree, normally growing to 15'. The showy 6" creamy- scented flower spikes appear in April-May. Native to the central coast ranges and Sierra Nevada mounta... Learn more.

Agave shawii Coastal Agave - grid24_12
Agave shawii Coastal Agave

A plant for containers or dry gardens. Native to the immediate coast of Baja and San Diego. Not common in California. Leaves in a rosette on a short two ft. stem (caudex), and flowering stem is up t... Learn more.

Agrostis hooverii

A small droopy bunch grass that grows in small openings in the coastal sage scrub in San Luis Obispo County. Use with June Grass (Koeleria cristata), California poppies, and Field Lupine(Lupinus nanus... Learn more.

 Allium haematochiton, Red skinned onion courtesy of Lynn W. - grid24_12
Allium haematochiton Red skinned onion

Red-skinned onion, Allium haematochiton, grows in openings and open fields throughout much of Southern California. Plant in a un-mulched section of the garden and plant a rock on to of a... Learn more.

Ambrosia psilostachya Western Ragweed - grid24_12
Ambrosia psilostachya Western Ragweed

A weedy , perennial, native with spreading rhizomes that grows in disturbed areas of native plant communities,. Use as an indicator of a site in trouble. Found in roadsides and dry fields, common, th... Learn more.

Amorpha fruticosa L. Indigo bush or False Indigo Bush flowers - grid24_12
Amorpha fruticosa False Indigo

Amorpha fruticosa (occidentalis) or False Indigo, grows in north slopes and moist spots through much of San Diego County, western Riverside county and cooler protected spots in Arizona and New Mexico.... Learn more.

Anaphalis margaritacea, Pearly Everlasting in the Sierras at about 7000 ft. - grid24_12
Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly Everlasting

Pearly Everlasting is a rather weedy perennial that Painted Ladies visit. If you're old and male don't get excited, Painted Ladies are butterflies. PE has an interesting flower that looks like a small... Learn more.

Antirrhinum coulterianum (syn. Sairocarpus coulterianus) is native locally in disturbed areas of Southern California. - grid24_12
Antirrhinum coulterianum Coulters Snapdragon

Antirrhinum coulterium, Coulters snapdragon is another one of the many plants that is not supposed to be living on the Santa Margarita nursery site, but it is here. One of those surprise! Guess what I... Learn more.

Antirrhinum nuttallianum Nuttall's Snapdragon flowers - grid24_12
Antirrhinum nuttallianum Nuttall's Snapdragon

Nuttall's Snapdragon is a delicate, miniature snapdragon that is very short-lived, (annual), diminutive, climbs other plants for support, but is so pretty, that the work to grow it is worth it. It ... Learn more.

Baby Bear manzanita bush has dark red bark, bright rose pink flowers, liked by hummingbirds, butterflies, bumblebees and other native bees, easy to grow, tolerates most soils, Baby Bear manzanita is a huggable when young.&nbsp; The height seems to be about seven feet and width about eight feet.The bush can be easily pruned to five feet both vertically and wide.'Baby Bear' manzanita can be used as a six to eight foot hedge. The bright pink flowers are very showy and stay for about sixty days. This manzanita bush has a goodly amount of nectar in it's flowers that is used by hummingbirds, butterflies and many native insects.<br> Baby bear seems to tolerate many conditions and be happy as a bear in most of California. - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos 'Baby Bear Manzanita Bush' Manzanita by the baby bear

'Baby Bear' manzanita has dark red almost purple bark, bright rose pink flowers, liked by hummingbirds, butterflies, bumblebees and other native bees, easy to grow, tolerates most soils, Baby Bear man... Learn more.

Emerald Carpet Manzanita is a creepy little groundcover that likes lawn water. BUT, you do not have to mow it. - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos 'Emerald Carpet' might as well be a lawn manzanita

Emerald Carpet manzanita is an evergreen groundcover preferred by the non-native folks that want to plant a 'native'. This is a hybrid between Arctostaphylos uva-ursi and Arctostaphylos nummularia. Em... Learn more.

Arctostaphylos Ian Bush with an Anna Hummingbird. This manzanita is easy in most of coastal California. - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos 'Ian Bush Manzanita' Manzanita

'Ian bush' manzanita is fast to four feet and seems to stabilize at five feet with a very open form. The green foliage and smooth red bark make the whole bush a great mini-specimen. 'Ian Bush' manzan... Learn more.

Arctostaphylos La Panza manzanita - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos 'La Panza' Grey manzanita

'La Panza' manzanita is a hybrid of Arctostaphylos silvicola and probably A. edmundsii 'Carmel Sur' . The foliage starts out a velvety gray and becomes a smooth clean gray with age. This selection was... Learn more.

The flowers of Arctostaphylos Margarita Pearl - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos 'Margarita Pearl' Big Big berry manzanita

Margarita Pearl manzanita is a seedling of Arctostaphylos glauca that has very large flowers and berries. We're not sure if it is all Big Berry manzanita(glauca) or a hybrid between glauca and wellsii... Learn more.

Pacific Mist Manzanita can make a flat ground cover if you tip the upright stems. - grid24_12
Arctostaphylos 'Pacific Mist'

Pacific Mist manzanita is gray-green sprawling ground cover of hybrid origin that is very fast growing for a manzanita. In a coastal garden it can be a real winner. Low, gray and sprawling on a foot... Learn more.

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