Ceanothus griseus, is a large bush or small tree, with beautiful, large, rounded, shiny, dark green leaves, and blue flowers, which grows very fast up to 8-10 ft. high and 4-6 ft. wide. Ceanothus gri... Learn more.
Louis Edmunds Ceanothus is a mounding evergreen shrub, 3' X 6' that looks like a 'Carmel Creeper' on steroids. We use as large scale ground cover. If the edges are pruned the plant can become a he... Learn more.
Ceanothus Yankee Point' is an evergreen shrub that commonly grows two or three feet tall and ten feet wide. A mounding mass of glossy green with blue flowers in Mar-May. Does best near coast, but g... Learn more.
Ceanothus rigidus 'Snowball' is a low evergreen shrub with small dark green, leathery, holly-like leaves, and white flower clusters cover the foliage in spring. 'Snowball' needs some summer water ... Learn more.
Clarkia bottae is an annual much like Clarkia amoena but with slightly larger flowers. Clarkia bottae tolerates full sun, seaside conditions, alkaline soil, salt, and clay. This farewell-to-spring spe... Learn more.
Monterey Cypress, Cupressus macrocarpa is an evergreen tree to 50', can be clipped as an 8 ft. hedge, and best within sight of the coast (west or east). C. macrocarpa is native to the point at the so... Learn more.
In the wild Sargent Cypress is a small gray evergreen tree, with gray bark. In most gardens Sargent Cypress will grow real fast to 10 feet, then slowly (1'/year) to 50'. C. sargentii is easy to hold t... Learn more.
California Oat Grass looks like a lawn in its favorite habitat, in open areas between coastal pines. Actually, it was a roadside drainage ditch in front of a new house before they completely razed t... Learn more.
This clumping perennial grass is so soft, and pretty, with really thin soft stems and leaves. Slender Hair Grass disappears in summer (drops to a faint brown patch); is a light grass that blows in the... Learn more.
Diplacus aurantiacus, Sticky Monkey flower is the coastal form of Mimulus aurantiacus, a perennial with 1" orange flowers that likes partial shade if planted in the interior sun if it is along the c... Learn more.
Blue Wild-Rye. This plant species is highly variable, and hybridizes with some other species of wild-rye. It is not related to the cereal rye, except that they are both grasses. This plant is common h... Learn more.
This Horsetail is wide ranging throughout the world with a very complicated species complex. (Equisetum hiemale, Hippochaete hiemale var. californica) Learn more.
Seaside daisy (Erigeron glaucus) can be found along the central coast of California to central Oregon, and just to be different, also on the Channel Islands. Seaside daisy is usually found on clay oce... Learn more.
The flower is large and showy on this, but that is the problem with it. The flower, we normally only see one flower per plant, per year. If you have a conventional garden this plant is acceptable, oth... Learn more.
Wood Strawberry is a perennial, with white flowers, edible red fruits, and spreads by horizontal above ground stems (stolons). Fragaria californica, (F. vesca), Wood Strawberry makes a good ground co... Learn more.
Pacific Sunset was introduced by Rancho Santa Ana Garden. This flannel bush is a hybrid between F. californicum and F. mexicanum. Flannel bushes like lighter soils with moisture nearby, but not nex... Learn more.
A 1-4' high sub-shrub that grows along the coast from S.cal to B.C.. It grows in the pine barrens through the redwoods. In its range it is a lovely easy groundcover. (It will stay low as long as it ca... Learn more.
A little non-descript perennial that grows in openings amoungst shrubs,. When it flowers it turns into a small sun. In Lompoc the glowing mounds of Sunrose are along the trails with Ceanothus imp.imp... Learn more.
This Alum Root is a 1' perennial with a 2'spike of very dainty white flowers, a hundred or so spikes at a time on a happy plant. Foliage in clumps 1-2 feet across with 4" reddish-green leaves. A littl... Learn more.
A perennial with grape-like leaves and a 1' flower spike of pinkish-white flowers. Small, clumping plants for shady places, will stand some drought but look best with garden conditions, mixed with woo... Learn more.
Wedgeleaf Horkelia is a small perennial that is common in coastal dunes and interior dunes from San Francisco to San Diego. Included here primarily for those of you in sand dunes.(You need something.... Learn more.
Douglas Iris, Iris douglasiana is a knee high perennial with rhizomes that spread slowly into a 2 to 4 ft wide clump. The flowers arise on a 1 to 2 ft high stem, are cream to light purple and three ... Learn more.
An annual that grows about a foot tall with 1" light purple flowers. Open woods and sandy places near the coast. We're not sure where the name 'mountain' came from... Learn more.
Twinberry Honeysuckle is a deciduous shrub that grows 6' to 8' tall. The flowers are orange-red and appear from March to July.. It has formal looking dark green foliage. The black berries are edible ... Learn more.
A 4-5' perennial. The flowers are blue to yellow on 6" spikes. The foliage is dark green. It has very rapid growth. It grows from Ventura into Ore.. This plant is an aggressive seeder and should not b... Learn more.