Plants For Chaparral

Dodecatheon clevelandii, Padre's Shooting Star, blooms in late winter in San Luis Obispo county, California. - grid24_12
Dodecatheon clevelandii Padre's shooting star

Small perennial, goes dormant in summer, has a 1 foot high flower cluster with 1/2 inch shooting stars, good in woodland garden or north slope. We ship them in Jan-Feb. This plant is one of the first ... Learn more.

Dodecatheon clevelandii var. insulare

Island shooting star is a perennial wildflower with pink flowers that hang pendant with petals thrown back. Island shooting star is similar to Padres Shooting Star, Dodecatheon clevelandii, but a lit... Learn more.

Dogus domesticus,  Annabelle Shortstuff Bad Dog - grid24_12
Dogus domesticus var. Annabelle 'Shortstuff' Bad Dog

A short smart dog that bothers small animals(ground squirrels are her mortal enemies) and greets the visitors. Annabelles foliage is soft and nice to rub. Her flower has a black pistil and one pink ... Learn more.

Dryopteris arguta Wood Fern - grid24_12
Dryopteris arguta Wood Fern

A woodland fern that is native from S. Cal to Washington. Wood Fern normally grows on north slopes and/or shady creeks. I've seen it as an understory plant to Quercus chrysolepsis, Quercus agrifolia... Learn more.

Dudleya cymosa - canyon dudleya, canyon liveforever, Rock Lettuce - grid24_12
Dudleya cymosa Liveforever

This genus is named for the first head of the botany department at Stanford University, Professor William Russell Dudley. This species of Dudleya has yellow-red flowers. They are displayed on short s... Learn more.

Lady Fingers (Dudleya edulis) flowers - grid24_12
Dudleya edulis San Diego Dudleya

Lady Fingers (Dudleya edulis) is a succulent that gets about one foot wide and tall with round leaves about as thick as a pencil.The white flowers cover the succulent foliage. This Dudleya is native ... Learn more.

Dudleya lanceolata - lanceleaf liveforever, Southern California dudleya growing out of wall - grid24_12
Dudleya lanceolata Liveforever

Dudleya lanceolata is a one foot tall and wide succulent, native to central and southern California, with yellow-red flowers. Lance-leaf Dudleya tolerates clay as long as summers are dry and does ... Learn more.

Dudleya pulverulenta, chalk dudleya, chalk liveforever. - grid24_12
Dudleya pulverulenta Chalk Liveforever

Chalk Liveforever is a succulent with a one to two foot basal rosette from which a 1 1/2 ft. spike of red flowers appears in May through July. Native from about northern San Luis Obispo county south... Learn more.

Leymus condensatus, Giant wildrye and syn. Elymus condensatus is more like a small bush - grid24_12
Elymus condensatus Giant Wild Rye

A large clumping green grass. Native in the interface zone between plant communities or in openings. Commonly in areas that have seeps in winter. Drought resistant in most areas. In the desert areas, ... Learn more.

Leymus condensatus 'Canyon Prince' - grid24_12
Elymus condensatus 'Canyon Prince' Giant Wild Rye

A large clumping grass. The silver gray foliage is very distinct. Native in the interface zone between plant communities or in openings. Commonly in areas that have seeps in winter. Drought resistant ... Learn more.

Elymus glaucus Blue wild rye, Blue wildrye with seed heads - grid24_12
Elymus glaucus Blue Wildrye

Blue Wild-Rye. This plant species is highly variable, and hybridizes with some other species of wild-rye. It is not related to the cereal rye, except that they are both grasses. This plant is common h... Learn more.

Emmenanthe penduliflora, Whispering Bells flowers - grid24_12
Emmenanthe penduliflora Whispering Bells

A common fire follower. Whispering Bells would be an excellent additive to seed mixtures for ersion control and and fire following seed mixture, if you can find it. Learn more.

Encelia californica - California encelia, California brittlebush, bush sunflower  - grid24_12
Encelia californica Coast Sunflower

Bush Sunflower, Encelia californica, is an evergreen perennial sunflower shrub, 3-4 ft high. Encelia californica is a good large-scale ground cover with 2 inch daisy flower. Native from Santa Maria to... Learn more.

Ephedra californica, California Ephedra, is a primitive plant and grows in dry areas of California. - grid24_12
Ephedra californica California Jointfir

Evergreen shrub, 5 ft., dry areas, central and southern California, and stems used for tea. Ephedra spp. are good wildlife plants. Grows with Eriogonum fasciculatum polifolium, Encelia actoni, Bricke... Learn more.

Epipactis gigantea, Stream Orchid. I think this was at Big Bear - grid24_12
Epipactis gigantea Stream Orchid

Giant Helleborine or Stream Orchid, Epipactis gigantea,  is a perennial orchid that grows in wet or moist places. Stream Orchid will go dormant at the first sign of drought. Grows all over the West ... Learn more.

Eriastrum densifolium var. austromontanum

A 1ft perennial. with bright blue flowers. It grows in gravelly soil. Very showy when in flower, invisible when not. Very drought tolerant. Native to many inland valleys and mountains. Learn more.

Eriastrum densifolium elongatum - grid24_12
Eriastrum densifolium var. elongatum

Almost indentical to Eriastrum. austromontanum. A 1ft perennial. with bright blue flowers. It grows in gravelly soil. Very showy when in flower, invisible when not. Very drought tolerant. Native to ma... Learn more.

Ericameria arborescens, Golden Fleece after dark - grid24_12
Ericameria arborescens Golden Fleece

A very fast growing large perennial that looks like a cross between a margarite and rabbit brush. Use in sunny rocky spots for dramatic color or to stablize the site until the pines or oaks kick in. P... Learn more.

Ericameria brachylepis Boundary Goldenbush - grid24_12
Ericameria brachylepis Boundary Goldenbush

Boundary Goldenbush is a 3 foot tall yellow flowered shrub. It likes full sun. As with many arid plants it is stress deciduous. When conditions become too dry Boundary Goldenbush drops some leaves and... Learn more.

 Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon californicum) with white flowers - grid24_12
Eriodictyon californicum Yerba Santa

A five ft. perennial shrub. Native Americans and early settlers used it for a cure-all. Now used for soil stabilization; will sucker along roots and tie-up a bank area. It's very drought tolerant. A p... Learn more.

Eriodictyon crassifolium (Thick Leaved Yerba Santa with Checkerspot - grid24_12
Eriodictyon crassifolium Felt leaved Yerba Santa

Thick leaved Yerba Santa is a fuzzy grey perennial that can grow to 5'. Flowers are 1/2" wide and 1" long pale blue. Sun, good drainage, doesn't need water after first year if your rainfall is greater... Learn more.

Eriodictyon tomentosum Woolly Yerba Santa, with a Monarch  - grid24_12
Eriodictyon tomentosum Woolly Yerba Santa

Woolly Yerba Santa is a four to five foot tall perennial with gray fuzzy leaves and white flowers. It can be found in the central coast ranges in slightly disturbed areas. Many butterflies use it as a... Learn more.

Eriodictyon trichocalyx, Smooth Leaf Yerba Santa  flowers - grid24_12
Eriodictyon trichocalyx Hairy Yerba Santa

Hairy Yerba Santa, Eriodictyon trichocalyx, is native to the mountains of Southern California. Where it produces some of the most attractive flowers of the Yerba Santa in California. It grows in mixe... Learn more.

Santa Cruz Island buckwheat, Eriogonum arborescence flowers turning brown. - grid24_12
Eriogonum arborescens Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat

Santa Cruz Island Buckwheat, Eriogonum arborescens, is a shrub to three feet. This buckwheat is native to the Channel Islands. Associated plants include Artemisia californica, Brickellia californ... Learn more.

Eriogonum bailey bailey Annual Field Buckwheat - grid24_12
Eriogonum bailey var. bailey Annual Field Buckwheat

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. We don't sell it. This picture is mostly to remember what it was. Click here for more about California Buckwheats Learn more.