Side-blotched Lizard, Uta stansburiana
There are a number of subspecies of these and there are many other sites that go into detail. We just want you to know that they are out there.
Range West Texas to San Jose, south to Baja, north to Washington State. It follows the drier inland areas of Oregon and Washington.
Diet Any small insect or worm that happens by.
Habitat Dry, weed free gravelly areas.
Behavior: Hey, it's a lizard. The do lizzardy things. Sorry, you'll not see much of them in the winter. They favor warm sunny spots where they'll eat anything that comes by.
Tactics The ones in the nursery like to pretend they are at one with the rocks. Their color is almost the same as the granitic gravel.
Predators: Close up of Uta stansburiana, Side-blotched Lizard.
The splotch is the dark spot behind his leg.

In the Santa Margarita areas the Side Splotched lizard likes the sandy areas of the sunny graveled areas. Heat seems to be desirable.