This is a cute little perennial that has a cute little flower that looks like littleleaf pussytoes.
This Antennaria is the the most wide ranging of the Pussytoes growing from California to Ontario Canada, south to New Mexico and up into Alaska. Nomen dubium might be a good common name for it as it seems every person calling themselves a botanist has put a name on it, or changed the name, or deleted the name. Cronquist listed in Intermountain Flora these syn. Antennaria chilensis, A. dioica var. rosea, A. foliacea, A. rosea subsp. rosea, A. nitida, A. confinus, A. arida, A. scariosa, A. imbricata, A, angustifolia, A. bracteosa, A., flavescens, A. oxyphylla, A. rosea var divaricata, A. sansonii. A. formosa. There were a number of combinations of this, but life is short and that's enough for the search engines.
Use in small sunny but cool small open beds. That setting area that gets morning sun and you need something different that's flat.
Antennaria microphylla tolerates sand.
Foliage of Antennaria microphylla has color gray and is stressdeciduous.
Communities for Antennaria microphylla:Sagebrush Scrub and Yellow Pine Forest.